vegan flapjack

The vegan flapjack is the best recipe for dessert lovers. Peanut butter and dates are what keep these dairy-free breakfast treats together. Try varying the nuts and seeds in your subsequent flapjack recipe; for a vegan version, substitute agave. There is no easier yet more delightful treat than flapjacks. A delicious, crunchy, and greasy flapjack and a cup of tea will instantly boost your energy levels if you’re feeling down.


Golden syrup: 3/4 cup.

Plain flour: 2/3 cup.

 Brown sugar: 2 cups.

Dried fruit: 1.7 oz.

Rolled oatmeal: 4 cups.

Vegan butter: 2 tbsp.


Warm the microwave to gas mark 325F. Utilize the baking sheet and then set the cakes in square form and grease it. Use a tin instead if you are preparing simple flapjacks without any mix-ins.
Add up the oats and flour in a bowl and then add the nuts, fruit, and seeds and then mix.
Mix the brown sugar, golden syrup, and then vegan butter to heat the pan perfectly. Heat until smooth and melted, stirring from time to time.

Combine the oats and syrup while all the ingredients are well incorporated.

Once the tin is ready, dip the mixture into it, level it out, and firmly press down till the mixture is fully compressed.
They will still be slightly soft to the touch, but they will solidify significantly as they roast for approximately twenty-five to thirty-five minutes till they’re set and brown.


Ensure you adhere to the recipe exactly for the best results. I simply can’t guarantee that boiling in cups will yield the greatest effects since they are not sufficiently precise.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Is the vegan flapjack good for health?

With almost the same caloric content as a square of chocolate, flapjacks are nevertheless best enjoyed as a rare treat, even though their fiber and vitamin composition from oats and dried fruit may make them more nutrient-dense. However, have your oats as oatmeal cooked with skim milk.

How much fat is in this recipe?

They are an excellent and fast snack because of their high oat content. Just be cautious when purchasing flapjacks since they may include excessive amounts of sugar, fat, and calories, making them less than the healthy snack you may be looking for.

Nutritional Facts:

Calories: 288 kcal.

Sodium: 306.7 mg.

Sugar: 6.5 g.

Vitamin A: 3164.9 IU.

Monounsaturated fat: 10.4 g.

Carbohydrates: 45.5 g.

Protein: 6.7 g.

Fiber: 8 g.

Calcium: 107.1 mg

Potassium: 1089.5 mg.

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